Supporting #BlackLivesMatter


We have been silent recently as we learn and digest all that has happened over the past weeks - and the decades and centuries leading up to it. Our team prides itself on diversity and inclusion, compassion and respect, but it was time to take an introspective look and truly ask ourselves if we are doing enough. The honest answer? No. 

While we do not have answers yet on the path we will take to change, our goal is to help build a society where everyone is free to be authentically themselves - no matter their race.  

Yesterday, we participated in #blackoutTuesday and took time to mute our own voice to make room for the voices of those who can educate us. We took time to read, listen and learn - but we know that is not enough. Conversations around race need to happen all the time; we refuse to let this moment in history be just that, a moment. We believe change starts from education and staying informed, and we recommend everyone commit to the life-long work that is required to dismantle the racist structures we have in place. 

So what are we doing?

  • Donate: Our team has donated to Black Lives Matter, with more to come. 

  • Learn: We have starting reading - and will continue to! See below for our list of recommended resources.

  • Sign petitions: We will offer our name for causes we believe in.

  • Spend: Support POC owned businesses to help with the redistribution of wealth

  • Speak Up: Around the dinner table, on the phone, over text or DM, the change always starts at home, with meaningful conversations that reframe our way of thinking and give new perspectives on some of the privileges we have.

We are still learning, and we know there may be bumps along the way. If you have any suggestions of what we can be doing better or any resources to add to our list please let us know,

Currently on our list to follow, read and listen to as we continue to educate ourselves:













