A More Creative Mindset: Evaluating the Effect of Cannabis on Artists


Cannabis. Does it stimulate the creative process for artists or not?

We’re not the first ones to ask this question — and we’re far from the last. The effects of cannabis on creativity have already been studied extensively, but the findings have so far been a bit of a mixed bag. So, let’s try to informally evaluate the matter ourselves.

On that note, let’s start with the concept of divergent thinking. It refers to the ability to view and/or interpret things in an abundance of different ways — and it’s one of the keys to creativity. Some even go so far as to say it’s what makes creative people creative. Likewise, that it’s what inspires onlookers to utter phrases like, “Hmmmm, well, I suppose I’ve never thought of it that way,” or “What the heck were they smoking?!” when viewing an artistic work.

Anyway, scientific research has suggested that one of the chief properties of cannabis is its ability to increase hyper-priming, your capacity to make connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

In far more straightforward terms, it’s what produces those distinct moments when someone that’s high has a sudden insight or discovery about themselves — a deep truth — after observing something piffling. We believe they’re called “aha!” moments. Similarly, it’s how a chronic-fueled convo can skip from a topic on one end of the spectrum to the next on another in seemingly no time.

What’s more, cannabis further causes your brain to release dopamine. This is the neurochemical that gives users the signature calm feeling. The euphoric feeling, too. It also assists in diminishing your inhibitions and switching off your internal editor while you’re brainstorming or outright creating.

In turn, those having an elevated cannabis experience — being high — typically describe their thoughts and feelings as moving more freely. As if they’re almost flowing right through them.

Lastly, studies indicate that cannabis blurs the lines between a person’s five senses — touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste. This opens the proverbial floodgates for an amplified capacity for awe and wonder. Your ability to marvel at things? Enhanced. The way you experience events? More profoundly.

So, all in all, it sounds like the effects of cannabis on creativity and the artists who favour the plant are unquestionably desirable. Right?

Not so fast! According to other studies, the supposed creative benefits of cannabis don’t hold up statistically. Actually, these studies have shown zero positive effect from cannabis on divergent thinking. Some even suggest cannabis may have a negative impact in this area.

Hmmmmm. Perhaps creativity is tougher to define than we’re led to believe? Perhaps it’s more complicated than a series of tests or response times engineered by psychologists? Who could have thought?!

If you are noting a bit of sarcasm, it’s because the disparity in the findings don’t surprise us. And they shouldn’t surprise you, either.

For starters, even if we were to agree that divergent thinking is the most critical component of creativity, hey, it’s still just one single aspect. Cannabis ain’t some supernatural substance that can turn any old average Joe into Spielberg with a single puff. True creativity also requires intelligence. It requires a ton of hard work.

At the end of the day, championing the use of cannabis as a creative stimulant comes down to a personal choice. And while the data supports that some users may find a bit of herb is exactly the thing their right-brain needs to get the juices flowing, just realize that there’s zero guarantee you’ll smoke your way into a big breakthrough.

(No one is stopping you from trying, though!)


This article was written by Chris Metler. 

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This article was published May 13, 2020.

Education, CreativityKamal